5 Critical Elements of a High-converting Landing Page

5 Critical Elements of a High-converting Landing Page

What do you think about when you hear the phrase, “lead generation”?

The answer may depend on what type of business you’re in, and that’s okay!

After all, different businesses require different things from their landing pages to generate leads, and what works for one industry may not work as well in another.

However, there are certain elements that every high-converting landing page needs in order to achieve results—and build customer confidence—in any industry.

1) Attention grabber

Effective lead generation is all about customer confidence. A single unengaging landing page can damage your credibility and send potential customers looking for someone else to do business with.

This, in turn, erodes your conversion rate and directly impacts how many leads you ultimately generate.

If you’re having trouble generating leads online, it’s probably because you’re not paying attention to some critical components of your landing page design.

2) Key takeaways

All these lead generation websites are designed to help you build your email list, but it’s important to not let conversion rates fall through the cracks.

These landing pages are only as good as their conversions, so when you’re building out your website, make sure you include these 5 critical elements to ensure that each visitor has an easy time filling out that form and becoming part of your email list.

3) Lead magnet

Make it clear what your users should do once they’ve landed on your landing page.

This is particularly important if you want to convert leads into sales—if visitors don’t know what they’re supposed to do, they probably won’t do anything at all.

Here is a Security Business landing page that we designed for East-West Security & Consulting in Tacoma Washington.

landing page design

View live landing page here: https://get.ewsc.us/

Most businesses use a call to action, such as “Download Now!”; “Get Estimate” or “Learn More About Our Services”. As long as it gets results, any call to action will do.

4) Compelling Headline

You’ve heard it time and again: Your headline is king. It’s true. The first thing your leads see on your landing page is your headline.

If you don’t have something compelling there, they won’t click—and you won’t get any new leads.

Make sure that what you have at that top spot of your page tells people what to expect next—and why they should keep reading.

Studies have shown that simple, concise calls to action elicit higher click-through rates and higher conversion rates from visitors.

The call to action can be as simple as “Click here” or it can be more specific. If you want your visitor to sign up for something, then use Sign up now or Start my trial in your copy instead.

5) Call to action

A call to action is one of the most important components of your landing page.

Use language like Download Now, Buy Now or Get Started to ensure users know exactly what they need to do next.

And make sure your call to action is prominent; studies show that you should place it above or right next to your headline.