How to Launch an Ebook That Generates Leads

How to Launch an Ebook That Generates Leads

Too many business owners launch an ebook and then expect leads to magically appear. If you want leads, you have to put in the work to drive them!

This blog will cover everything you need to know about launching an ebook that generates leads as well as engaging landing pages that convert those leads into paying customers.

Step 1. Why Write an in-depth ebook

When creating your ebook, remember that it’s not just another marketing piece for you or your business; it’s a call-to-action that should drive visitors back to your site.

Start by focusing on creating great content (not fluff) and make sure it meets specific customer needs.

And make sure you include at least one call-to-action in every chapter! This is what will generate leads for you.

Step 2. Create your engaging landing page

The next step is to create a landing page for your eBook that converts visitors into leads.

There are many ways you can do this: you can offer a free content upgrade, such as a checklist or cheat sheet related to your topic, and include an opt-in form at the end of it.

Or you can create a lead magnet—something so appealing and useful that your reader can’t resist signing up for it.

For example, if your ebook is about how to start a business from home, you could create a PDF with tips on how to find work from home job openings online.

Or you could create something entirely unique that no one else has done before—such as The 5 Secrets to Win Federal Government Contracts with Amazing RFPs.

Step 3. Get Feedback from Your e-Book

Once you have a draft of your e-book, it’s time to take a step back and try to look at it from a reader’s perspective. If you have access to focus groups or friends and family who would be willing to read your e-book, ask them for their feedback.

Of course, always remember that they might not know how important certain aspects are, so try not to let their opinions weigh too heavily on your mind.

Step 4. Promote on social media

Once you’ve created your post, promoted it through social media. Make sure you’re sharing it on your LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter accounts as well as any niche-related communities you belong to.

You can even share a short excerpt from your post with a link back to your site in a few comments on relevant posts for added exposure!