Companies That Embrace Digital Marketing Improve Performance by Up to Four Times

Federal, Defense, and Aerospace Industry Companies That Embrace Digital Marketing Improve Performance by Up to Four Times

A study published by Gartner, an information technology research and advisory company, found that federal, defense, and aerospace industry companies that embrace digital marketing at the core of their business achieve up to four times improvement on digital performance than their counterparts.

The study assessed over 762 defense contracting, federal contracting, and aerospace engineering companies on how well they implemented digital marketing activities such as social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

The top-performing companies scored four times higher on social media ROI and saw a 15-percent increase in leads per month versus the bottom performers who didn’t see any improvement in these metrics.

1) Trends in Digital Marketing

Defense contractors are increasingly turning to digital marketing strategies in order to meet their aggressive revenue goals. According to a recent report from Optify and Forrester Consulting, aerospace engineering companies that embrace digital marketing at the core of their business achieve up to four times improvement on digital performance.

2) How Much Should Federal Contractors Invest in Their Online Presence?

Federal, defense, and aerospace companies often ask their digital ad agency how much they should be investing in digital marketing efforts. The answer is complicated.

To optimize ROI on your digital budget—whether it’s big or small—you need a strategic approach that accounts for each industry’s unique challenges.

3) What Is Driving Government Contractors Not to Adopt Digital Marketing?

According to research from software services company Adobe in February 2017, government contractors realize that digital marketing is now a vital part of doing business.

And yet most aren’t embracing it enough. The real question isn’t why are government contractors underperforming? It’s what is driving them to transform?

When you analyze that question, it becomes clear why many federal contractors are still lagging behind their peers in terms of digital performance.

4) The Best Practices for Successful Transformation

In order for an aerospace engineering or defense contracting company to succeed in a digital marketing-focused strategy, there are some key principles that are essential.

These include:

  1. – Focus on your customers’ journeys
  2. – Understand their pain points
  3. – Create content that informs and entertains
  4. – Evaluate your efforts regularly.

Read more on this topic here: How to Understand the Customer’s Pain Points in Aerospace Engineering and Defense Contracting

In conclusion. Don’t Get Left Behind

If you operate a business that is in one of these industries or if you’re looking to hire talented individuals in any of these fields, then it’s essential that you understand how digital marketing can help your company. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a NASA astronaut or an F-35 pilot; becoming more digitally adept will only improve your chances of reaching your maximum potential in any industry.

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